Kubernetes administration

Β· 204 words Β· 1 minute read

Kubernetes administration πŸ”—

Components of the cluster πŸ”—


a key-base database that is high available. Used to store the current state of the cluster

kube-apiserver πŸ”—

Central api that all components use to ask for change or query info. Also is the API that we use with kubectl

Scheduler πŸ”—

In charge to decide to wich node each pod has to go

Kube Controller Manager πŸ”—

Manager of diferent logics in the k8s cluster

Kubelet πŸ”—

is the captian in each worker nodes

kube-proxy πŸ”—

A components does action to allow different worked nodes talk to each other

Components of an application πŸ”—

POD πŸ”—

  • minimum components
  • it can have 1 or more container

Replicaset πŸ”—

  • ensures that n amount of containers are up at all time

Deployment πŸ”—

  • allow to change pod from one version to another
    • rollout etc…
  • the yaml definition is quite similar to the replicaset

Services πŸ”—

enable connectivity between pods

  • Types:
    • Node port -> opens a port on the worked node, and maps this port to the pod
    • cluster ip -> creates a (virtual ?) ip in the cluster, grouping the pods in the same service. You use the service to communicate
    • load balancer -> to use a cloud LB